Abby Maxam is an Intuitive, Astrologer, and Mystic. She is a mother, astrologer, healer, crystal lover, jewelry designer, and cancer survivor. Her approach to teaching incorporates a variety of disciplines and rituals. As an avid meditator, no session, class, or experience is complete without a moment to tune into the breath and slow down. Meditation has been a major part of her 11 year sobriety and cancer journey. She also includes meditation in each of her astrology readings, which helps to incorporate the information on a deeper level. Studying with Debra Silverman and Suzanne Gerber, Abby has learned to use practical tools to help her clients have a better understanding of their gifts and challenges. With optimism and intuition, Abby helps put the cosmic pieces together to support her clients in embracing themselves with compassion and patience. After studying with Kathryn for several years, Abby also has the intuitive healing tools that helped her navigate each phase of her cancer journey: tools she hopes to share with others who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Using the Ground and Gold platform, Abby will share her love of the moon and fascination with the elements. Abby holds the highest levels of certifications in Intuitive Healing Arts. Speciality: Past lives, purpose, potential